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Mythos Botanica

by Staci Buell


Hello! I never know what to say about myself, so prepare yourself for a potentially awkward ride.


My name is Staci, though in many online circles I post under the pseudonym Celtara. I am mother to an exceedingly clever little girl who impresses me every day with her intelligence, kindness, stubbornness, and penchant for the dramatic. (Can you tell she's still a toddler?) I also have an amazing husband who accepts that our house is a never-ending project and has always been incredibly supportive of my artistic goals, even when I have felt defeated.


I have always loved producing art. Drawing, painting, anything I could do with my hands. All my life I wanted to be an animator. Unfortunately, life had different plans, and that particular dream has yet to come true. After many years of producing very little art, I have picked up my pencil to try again. This time with far more advice and grit.


As for my art, I am primarily a digital painter with a tendency toward the fine art animation style. I love to experiment, though, and my personal projects often reflect the style of whatever master I've most recently studied. Hopefully I will have much more to say here about my art once I get into a groove and build up my portfolio.


In the meantime, if you are interested in purchasing a commission or discussing a project/collaboration, please visit my Ko-fi. Trello is where I keep track of commissions and where paid/potential clients can check the status/queue. My Facebook page is where I can be more interactive with my audience. Linktree is just something I'm experimenting with for now, but it will hopefully house all my links in one convenient list. If you are curious about my TOS, that is also still in progress. I had one written up, but after getting feedback, I definitely need to tone down the legal jargon before publishing it. (Oops!) It should be up in some form or another within a few days.

This website is currently under construction. It may undergo several changes before I figure out this platform and editor. Please check back again soon for more uploads and commission information!

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